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Medium - acrylic paints, Style - Abstract, Object - Abstract, Colors - Yellow, Year of realisation - 2019 , Typ malby - Painting on the board


acrylic paints
80 cm x 60 cm

175 €

views 1612

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Description of the artwork

Acrylic on sololite. Framed by

About the author

Jana Čubrdová

* 20. 3. 1942, Svitávka (Blansko), Czech Republic
ceramist, sculptor

nationality: Czech
gender: female

From the age of three she lived with her parents in Moravská Třebová. In 1961-1965, already as a married woman, she studied at the Secondary School of Arts and Crafts in Brno under professors Jaroslav Lukes and František Šenk (moulding and modelling of plastic materials) and Josef Peta (ceramic technology). After graduation she was employed in the ceramic production Keralit in Litomyšl. This meant turning out a hundred identical vases per shift. Here, in her own words, she "tried and cried her own technique". In 1972-1979 she was the director of the museum in Moravská Třebová, then she worked as a freelancer. In 1983 she worked for half a year in a sawmill, in 1984 she was a freelancer and from March 1985 she was a laboratory technician and later an administrative worker in the waterworks. In 1992-1997 she worked again in the Moravian-Terboreal Museum, then again as a freelancer. Since the 1990s she has been drawing and painting.
Jana Čubrdová's ceramic work is made of chamber sculptures, mostly composed of segments rolled on a circle. A small part of the sculptures are "built", without the help of a circle or sometimes with only inserted turned details. The sculptures range in height from 15 to 100 cm. Until the 1990s, the ceramics were stiff patinated and only rarely or in detail glazed, then gradually more and more colours were added. She used sprays of coloured metallics for cars, which suited her better than the traditional glazes. Ideas, recorded in small drawings, were most often realised quickly, with some of the most serious sculptures taking several years to mature in their final form. The titles of individual sculptures are the perfect key to their spiritual grasp, whether they are works with concrete or abstract content. In her extensive subject register, there is no lack of feminine tenderness or busts or a dialed portrait, sometimes hilariously caricatured. In a number of sculptures, the relationship between the male and female principle is manifested, albeit sometimes very covertly. The turn of the 1970s and 1980s then demonstrates her readiness to handle monumental works both indoors and outdoors. She also creates serious works in stucco and artificial stone. The titles of the major works allow for a deep inference of their message. After 1990, J. Čubrdová began to devote herself to painting, as she finds it difficult to work with heavy clay. She eventually abandoned her A4 drawings because they were not precise enough by her meticulous standards. However, the "doodling" of the drawings on the computer intrigued her. For her paintings she tried using paint spills. She often uses a 50 x 45 cm sololite as a base. She is currently looking for new means of expression in the technique of collage, cutting out and assembling different shapes strongly reminds her of the initial process of creating ceramic sculptures.
Jana Čubrdová feels a supreme beauty in a period of mental calm, which is only partly evident in her sculptural work, while, according to her, the moods in her paintings are much more immediate. In all of her sculptural and painterly works it is evident how she perceives her surroundings, or rather how they relate to her.
Radovan Zejda, 2018/05
Monumental and architectural realisations
1979 Universe, stucco relief, Flight simulator in Pardubice
1979 Fish, glazed ceramic relief, Neptun wine bar in Brno
1980 Veil, baked clay sculpture, Mourning Hall in Moravská Třebová
1980 Flight, glazed ceramic mosaic, airport in Staré Město
1981 River, artificial stone sculpture, Cement and lime works in Hranice
1981 Confession, stucco relief, Ceremonial Hall in Buchlovice
1982 Growth, sculpture, glazed ceramics, Brno - Soběšická housing estate
1982 Bird, sculpture, glazed ceramics, Brno - Soběšická housing estate
1985 Sunrise, relief, artificial stone, District National Committee in Hodonin
1988 Flower, Nest, Sun, sculpture, baked clay, Municipal National Committee Moravská Třebová
1989 Funeral sculpture, artificial stone, tombstone of the Štourač family, Moravská Třebová
1990 Funeral sculpture, artificial stone, tombstone of the Korčák family, Brno
1991 Funeral sculpture, artificial stone, tombstone of the Golov family, Třebařov
2003 Sun Maiden, sculpture, baked clay, Komárk family, Moravská Třebová

Solo exhibitions:
1972 Moravská Třebová, Municipal Museum
1974 Ceska Trebova, KPVU exhibition hall
1974 Mohelnice, City Museum
1977 Svitavy, OMDH
1977 Moravská Třebová, City Museum
1979 Brno, Work
1982 Moravská Třebová, City Museum
1997 Prague, Police Museum of the Czech Republic, ceramic sculptures
2008 Moravská Třebová, retrospective exhibition at the Latin School, Welen Exhibition Hall
Joint exhibitions:
1968 Litomyšl, District Museum of Local History
1970, 1971-1978, 1985-1987 Svitavy, District Museum, annual shows of artists
1972 Moravská Třebová, City Museum, with Jan Jelinek (monotypes)
1974 Mohelnice, City Museum, with Ex libris collection
1976 Pardubice, East Bohemia Museum, Art of Struggle
1976 Museum Chrudim, regional exhibition wood - textile - ceramics
1977 Moravská Třebová City Museum, with Inge Popelková (drawings)
1979 Brno, Work, with Jiřina Hartingerová-Tobolíková (graphics) and Eva Brožová (sculptures)
1979 Česká Třebová, exhibition hall, Ceramics '79
1980 Piešt'any, Piešt'any Park Sculpture
1980 Brno, House of Arts, artists of the South Moravian Region on the 35th anniversary of the Liberation
1982 Moravská Třebová, Municipal Museum, with Karel Oberthor (graphics) and Zuzana Oberthora-Popelka (paintings)
1985 Moravská Třebová, JKP ROH, Artists of the Moravian-Trebov Region
1986 Moravská Třebová, City Museum, with Maria Plotena (scratched pictures)
1987 Třebíč, Painted House, Nine Moravian Ceramists
1989 Trenčín, M. A. Bazovský Regional Gallery, Biennial of Contemporary Czechoslovak Chamber Sculpture
1990 Náchod, Gallery of Fine Arts, with Romana Rotterová (graphics)
1990 Litomyšl, Josef Matička Gallery, House of Knights, Art Litomyšl
1990 Moravská Třebová, JKP ROH, Artists of Moravskotřebovsko
7. 1991 MKS Boskovice, with Dr. Hana Horská graphics and paintings
13 - 28 April 1991, Vyškov Museum, Vyškov, 20 Moravian artists
1995 Svitavy, City Museum and Gallery, with Zdeněk Holomy (photographs)
1998 Moravská Třebová, City Museum, with Vladimír Čadílek (pen drawings)
2002 Moravská Třebová, Municipal Museum, with Maria Plotena (paintings, scratched pastels)
2004 Kolín, Regional Museum, Union of Visual Artists of the Central Bohemia Region, Ceramic Meeting
2004 Mírov, Cultural Circle of Mírov Prison
2006 Moravská Třebová, with Zuzana Mičková (paintings) and Jan Paďour (paintings), Chapel of the Franciscan Monastery, Welen, Free Association of Moravian-Trebov Artists
2011 Moravská Třebová, Municipal Museum, with Vladimír Čadílek - Everything from the drawer
2011 Moravská Třebová, Ladislav of Boskovice Municipal Library, drawings
2017 Moravská Třebová, Laskavárna, paintings
2017 Moravská Třebová, City Museum, 1st salon of Moravian-Trebov artists

birth name
Štouračová, Jana, 1942-
Paďourová, Jana, 1942-


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