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Silvie Kořistková: A Journey to Self through Free Creation

Silvie Kořistková

21. April 2024

Welcome to our blog, where we delve into the world of art and creation. Today we'll be talking about inspiration, the desire to create and the journey that art represents for the individual. We will introduce you to Silvia Kořistkova, an artist who decided to enter the public space and the art world with her works in 2018.

Do we all have it in us to create something? Silvie believes it starts with a journey into our inner self. We speak to our mind and search for the spark of what catches our attention and doesn't let go. For Silvia, this journey leads through colours, shapes and textures. Her dreams press their faces into the canvases where they are locked for eternity.

She has been painting and creating since she was a child, but as an artist she has only recently decided to share her paintings with a wider audience. Most often she creates abstract geometric paintings, which she sees as an exploration, a search for harmony and release. For her, by painting abstraction, time stops and the space around her merges with the space within. The abstractions are therefore a testimony of a conversation with her subconscious and therefore appear liberated and balanced. Join us on this fascinating journey of discovery and inspiration.

Today, Anželika from Original Gallery spoke with artist Silvia Kořistkova about what's important to artists, her favorite projects, and her life in art.

How do the themes for your work come about Silvie? Your work is very varied.

Discovering the urge to create something usually starts with a journey into your inner self. We talk to our mind and look for the spark of what catches our attention and doesn't let go. It's a journey to the self.

My motto is, "My soul speaks through the brush."

In fact, the initial intention in the beginning of my work was not only to obey this urge of the inner voice and soul, but to try out different themes that interested me. I began bypainting animal portraits, which I then painted on commission. It's just that the pet commissions literally started pouring in and despite all the dogs, cats, rabbits and hamsters, I didn't have time for my more fulfilling work where I could express myself freely. My soul longed for something else. I was heavily considering quitting this certain income that had been going on for about 2 years and trying something uncertain but fulfilling - my own creation. Now my work is completely free, I will of course accept the occasional commission, but it has to be according to my feelings about the work and the themes I like to pursue. So now I have my favourite themes, my work is very variedI create different series, which I rotate and return to them according to my mood.

The theme of "woman" is not left behind in my work and becomes a natural stop in my observation of my surroundings. My series of delicate, understated female nudes are dedicated to the study of our innerfeelings, passions and insecurities, stripped of the robes of artifice and make-believe that we wear during the day. Body language does not lie. I have therefore decided to embody moments in which we reflect not only on the object we are looking at, but also on ourselves.I also try to underline femininity as such in my paintings, so that it does not disappear and remains forever.

Then I create colourful, structural abstractions, they are probably closest to my heart, which I see as knowledge, a search for harmony and release. By painting abstractions, time stops for me and the space around me merges with the space within me. The abstractions are therefore a testimony of a conversation with my subconscious and therefore have a liberated and balanced effect. Another kind of abstraction I create is a series of geometric modernabstractions in metallic tones as I begin to find grounding, coherence and order in the irregularities of life.

I also create an ongoing series of musicians and artists in metallic tones, with texture and sometimes the application of 24 karat gold leaf. When I bow I have incredible admiration for their musical or just painting art. And other themes. I think it works exactly as I evolve and change, so does my art. I like changing styles, trying new things, and I think that's a natural process in most artists' lives.

Which creative figures stand out for you?

My hat is off to the work of Gustav Klimt, who is very inspiring to me. I also have favourite paintings by Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet, Frida Kahlo and others. I like to read about them, watch films and of course admire the paintings, preferably in live galleries.

What do you consider important for an artist?

You have to have a proper desire and enthusiasm to learn and work, because if you don't create and dedicate most of your time to it, it doesn't work. As they say, "practice makes perfect".The environment in which you create is also important, having your own studio is a very added value, you have your own personal space where no one disturbs you and where you just have your energy, the arrangement of things and everything else that goes with it. Youalso have to believe in yourself and go for it. You more or less fight with yourself at times and almost everyone doubts themselves because you are literally going to market with your skin on the game, as they say. You reveal your inner self and your feelings that you put into your work to strangers. The important lesson is to not let the environment bring you down and stop you, only move on with any constructive criticism, don't let yourself be discouraged. It is also important to try new possibilities that present themselves.

What conditions or circumstances in your life shape the inner artist?

I am shaped and inspired by my surroundings, experiences, thoughts, moods, feelings and emotions. I could go on forever here, so I'd rather keep it short :-).

Do you think that the fact of the absence of commercial interest on the part of the artist, the absolute certainty that art is what one should live and deal with, can lead an artist to success?

When I started painting, I had the idea of a beautiful relaxation while creating. Then you find that the reality if you want to become more established and sell your paintings is a little different and more challenging. You have to be an artist - to create something, a photographer - to photograph the work, then a marketer and producer - to share and showcase your art on the web and social media and sales sites. You have to organize exhibitions and openings, send your paintings to auctions, participate in competitions. Finally, I will mention transporting, packing and shipping paintings, which is also sometimes a physically demanding activity. For now, I do everything myself and sometimes I really remember with a smile my initial naive idea of peaceful relaxation while painting. However, I am grateful for the whole process I freely go through, the fact that my work is liked, clients and collectors buy my paintings and come back to me repeatedly.

And what does an artist's skill consist of with you?

I believe it is mainly the following aspects. Observing the subject, noticing the details, how it affects me in depth. Creating a story and a mood. Mastering technique, working with space and composition. Then also the composition of colours, the play of light and shadow. Theuse of layering, different materials and more. You also have to present your art properly and sometimes that's a really big challenge.

Do you think that copying in art can help an artist to find their own language?

To a certain extent it can. I think that learning from others is a natural part of development, but I stress in the form of inspiration, not outright copying.

How long does it usually take you to create a piece? Your time is valuable and it is important how you use it effectively. Can you please tell readers how long it takes to create a piece? Is it a few hours, days, weeks or maybe months? Your answer will help us better understand your process.

This is the most frequent question from visitors at openings :-). I can't answer it completely, because with my variety of work it is different every time. For example, with abstraction, I stand in front of a white canvas and start creating, it leads me further on its own and gradually the painting evolves. I create various more and more layers, applying textures, crystals and 24 carat gold.With nudes, musicians and flowers I think everything through beforehand, outlining in pencil where, how and in what position the object will be created, so the time is extended . Since I use both oil and acrylic paints, which have different drying times, it is also impossible to determine the exact length of creation. Sometimes I add oil pastels on top of the painting... at the end I paint. .. Ialso often work on several paintings at once... so I am not able to answer this question exactly :-)

What wishes will you leave our readers?

First of all, I would like to thank our readers very much for their interest in fine art in general. I wish youall the greatest possible enjoyment of art and that the paintings you may purchase will create a unique atmosphere in your homes. Without you it would not be possible.


To this we would like to add that you should buy art that you really like, that you want to live with. After all, art is definitely more than just decoration on the wall. In our opinion, it is after all a kind of window into a space that is close to you. We can only wish that the work is chosen out of love.

Finally, we would also like to express our sincere thanks to the artist Sylvia Kořistková for this interview. Her opinions and insights were very inspiring and enriching for us. We look forward to further collaboration and following her artistic growth and development. Thank you.

The exhibition"Gentle Curves", will be presented at ORIGINAL GALLERY, Semily Husova 5. Opening on May 18 at 5 pm and continues until May 31, 2024. Works can be purchased on the day of the exhibition and taken home.


Created with Sketch.

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