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Medium - oil paints, Style - Abstract, Object - Abstract, Colors - Brown, Year of realisation - 2018

Didier Le Mar

oil paints
90 cm x 100 cm
views 1683

Inserting a photo into your own interior

finální obrázek
When placing the work, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the interior and the size of the work.

About the author

Didier Le Mar © is a prominent European artist who has been significantly enriching Slovak and European culture since 1998, continuing a family tradition of artists that dates back to 1895. Didier Le Mar © is already the third generation of artists in their family.The works of Didier Le Mar © are also owned by many well-known personalities, including the Eparchial Bishop Cyril Vasil, the fashion designer Jitka Klett, Silvia Timková, the singer Miro Jaroš, the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Eduard Heger and many others. Didier Le Mar © is also working on his own artistic style, which he named SENTIO ART ® is an artistic style focused on feeling the present moment while creating. It focuses on the saturation, luminosity of colors and their dynamic application, which is aimed at the spiritual feeling of the individual work that carries elements of the current spiritual development of the artist himself. The works contain sacred geometric elements and symbols of different spiritual directions which are framed by the dominant theme and hidden symbols. He himself was passed on the know how and secrets of the correct use of colours as well as the groundwork from his +93 year old grandmother, the academic painter Angela Weiser, who was the founder of two art associations abroad for the development of culture and art. She organized various foreign art plein air and art exchange events, which Didier Le Mar © himself had the opportunity to attend and learn unique techniques that could not be taught in art schools. Family acquaintances included such illustrious names as Ludovít Feld, Julius Jakoby, Vincent Hložník, Viktória Szmutková and other renowned artists, as the artist Akad.Angela Weiser herself was also a respected art collector. Didier Le Mar © is a gifted continuator in this artistic tradition. Didier Le Mar © considers himself an independent artist who immensely loves free creative processes and seeks creative freedom with respect for the traditions of fine art. His artworks greatly influence the young generation of artists for whom he is an inspiring role model. Didier Le Mar © is one of the founders and chairman of the K.S.V.B.A Club of Slovak Artists BEAUTIFUL ART and an art lecturer. Didier Le Mar ©'s creations are exclusive, personal and original art objects such as paintings, sculptures, photography and digital art, books. Didier Le Mar © is an artist who emphasizes the balance of thought and the resonance of the soul in his work. He uses noble natural materials and extremely high quality pigments with the absence of cheap low quality substances. These art objects are so unique that they are usually not found in regular galleries, but only online when ordered from Didier Le Mar ©. The works are not intended for the mass consumer, but for customers with specific and refined tastes. Didier Le Mar © (civilian name Bc.Art.S.Weiser) deals with the techniques of oil painting, watercolor, printmaking, mixed media photography, sculptures, sculptures or frescoes, developing an analytical-mystical form of the absolute, structured by precise composition, balanced color and the contrasting expression of dynamic aestheticism and static vagueness rooted in the deep subconscious of an artist who loves the dynamics of brushstrokes. Didier Le Mar © is also concerned with the modern conception and treatment of clay and precious woods such as oudh, worked in the traditional manner of the old masters, yet with attention to modern details. Didier Le Mar © uses a variety of artistic genres in his painting, ranging from chamber painting to modern abstraction. This use of his versatility gives you a sense of his complex spiritual worldview, while feeling his pedantry and nonchalance in creating his artworks. Didier Le Mar © is versatile and strives for a contemplative work of art, imbued with the aura of his artistic life. In addition to temporal creations multiplied by the limitlessness of space, his works offer a reality outlined by an accurate perception of the external and also internal journey of life and life situations, of the spiritual faculties, whereby the human being, in the role of painter and photographer, becomes an observer who delivers an absolutely faithful and dazzlingly lucid impression of a mystical moment resulting from the sensory perception of a finely differentiated, concentrically outlined elegance. Art is a spiritual journey that balances the imbalance of the material world.Didier Le Mar © expresses himself in another artistic language, that of photography. With photography, he opens a space for moments of secondary concept. It is a feeling of deep comfort in the understanding that in the sea of time there is space to capture one wave, one sharp or even blurred depth or shallowness of space-time. Photography offers him a space for dispassionate observation, for wandering, for capturing the soul of life that makes sense only to him as an individual, so that his eye can enter the reality of other living moments and he allows himself to immortalize their presence through the camera. He is given the chance to enrich himself spiritually within a concept called time. Everything is so much and yet so little. The reality of perception is limited by time and the experiences of the individual, which are a kind of memento. They are but a moment that cannot be spoken, can only be captured through a lens, emphasized. Artist's statement Didier Le Mar © : "This is why photography is so important to me and so close to my person. I use it to capture my journey through time. Many times I have fallen down and gotten up, many times I have cried and many times I have laughed and this is also my cycle across time. It is a pilgrimage to the light." Thought has a place in the future, there it is free, playful and sparkling. In the present it is born, shaped, changed, and the past in turn is its nourishment, which fades away, but the photograph, the image as well as the painting will always remain a clear and sharp reminder of a time gone by. Nothing will be as it is and what was will live only in photographs, artworks and our minds. A work of art is not about aesthetics, but about the view of the individual without ego. The ego of the artist destroys the artwork because pure and unbiased observation without prejudice is important to capture the present tense. And this is what Didier Le Mar © strives for in his work.EXHIBITIONS : Didier Le Mar © has had more than 52 solo exhibitions. His works have graced numerous private exhibitions, galleries and auctions both in Slovakia and throughout Europe. His works are in great demand because of the energy that emanates from them. Didier Le Mar © is also a sought-after artist because his works are often used as investments in art. Copyright © Didier Le Mar 2023 All rights to the text and photo material of the artist Didier Le Mar © contained on this page are the exclusive intellectual and copyright property of Didier Le Mar ©


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