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Optimistic Cubism by Apollonas Soben

10. April 2024

Today we introduce you to an artist named Apollonas Soben. This artist is most inspired by the beauty of the female body. In addition, he is fascinated by various forms of meditation, sailing and physically demanding mountain hikes. These elements provide him with an invaluable contribution to the creation of his paintings and at the same time train him in self-control. A beautiful reading.


Where do you look for inspiration? Can you elaborate more on examples of your inspiration?

In everything! The whole world is beautiful in all its manifestations and full of information worthy of display on screen, in reality and in fantasy. And it doesn't matter if you open your eyes or look inside yourself. Most inspiration comes from the beauty of the female body! The combination of curves and lines, the play of light and shadow on a body that is always different and yet always equally beautiful. The female body is a symbol of life, a symbol of beauty and a symbol of love. It is an endless source of inspiration for me. Every look at it is like looking into the mirror of our soul, our dreams and our desires. So yes, inspiration is in everything. You just have to open your eyes and look within. Each of us has a painter inside us waiting to wake up and start creating. We all have a source of inspiration waiting to be discovered.

Do you use any special methods or rituals to deal with emotions?

I am delighted to share my techniques and ways that help me maintain emotional balance and calm. First of all, one of my main strategies is meditation. Meditation is an ancient practice that people around the world use to achieve peace of mind, improve concentration, and induce a state of deep calm and relaxation. This practice helps me to stay in the present moment.

I also practice yachting, which is another way to manage emotions. Sailing is a wonderful form of release and relaxation for me. Not only does it allow me to be in touch with nature, but it also forces me to focus on the present moment.

I also go on physically demanding mountain hikes. This ritual helps me to challenge myself and push my physical and mental limits. During these hikes, I encounter many challenges that force me to stay focused and resist negative emotions. In addition, seeing the beauty of nature and the feeling of reaching the goal at the end of the hike brings a strong sense of joy and satisfaction. Overcoming physical hardships and reaching the top of the mountain helps me realize that I can handle any emotional challenges that life brings.

So, yes, I use special methods and rituals to cope with emotions, namely meditation, sailing and physically challenging mountain hikes.

What are your other interests besides painting and how do they influence your artwork?

Yachting, travel and archery.

Each element provides an invaluable contribution to the birth of ideas for paintings and trains self-control. My interests are very varied and diverse, but apart from painting, which is my main artistic discipline, I also have a great passion for sailing, travel and archery. These interests intertwine and influence my artwork on several different levels.

Yachting is a way for me to get in touch with nature and enjoy the peace and tranquility of the open sea. This environment provides invaluable inspiration for my artwork. The landscapes, lights and colours I see when I am on a yacht often appear in my paintings. In addition, yachting also develops my planning and strategic thinking skills, which is useful in creating complex artistic compositions.

Traveling is another of my interests that has a great influence on my work. When I travel, I have the opportunity to see and experience new cultures, traditions and landscapes. All of this broadens my perspective and enriches my artwork with new motifs and themes. Through travel, I improve my skills of observation and detail, which is crucial for realistic painting.

Archery may be a bit of an unconventional interest, but it is very important to me. Archery requires concentration, precision and calmness. These skills carry over into my art world where precision and detail are important. Archery also helps me keep a calm mind and focus on the moment, which is essential when creating artwork.

Each of these interests provides me with a unique perspective on the world and inspires me to create. Without them, my artwork would not be as rich and varied.

What is your favorite environment and atmosphere to create in? What conditions are ideal for your work?

Mountains overlooking the sea, in silence, when no one can disturb or distract you. A long night trip while driving on an empty road between mountains or the splash of waves on the side and the howling of the wind when you are alone on a yacht under sail far from the shore is ideal for the birth of an idea.

What is the importance of education or meeting other artists on your artistic journey?

It's quite a provocative question and to answer honestly, I don't think education plays a role in our case, in modern art (in my opinion) it's not the technique of execution that is important, but the idea and the meaning. As far as other artists are concerned, I do not aim to imitate anyone or take an example, my wife and I transfer what we like to the canvas, we do not want someone else's and we will not give up our ownand most importantly we are not fans of an active social life, our little world mostly revolves around our son and art is not a means of livelihood but a means of self-expression. I think the main meeting took place and you can see the result in the exhibition.

Thank you, Apollonas Soben, for the inspiring interview and for giving us a glimpse into your artistic work. Your words reveal not only your talent, but also the passion and dedication you have for art. I am sure our readers will appreciate the depth of your thoughts and gain valuable insights from them. Thank you for your time and I look forward to working with you again.

Anzhelika Sítníková

Go to gallery Apollonas Soben

Created with Sketch.

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